French women have had the knack of proper acces- sorizing for generations. They are born with it, I guess, and each mother tells her daughter, "If you are well shod, well gloved and well hatted, then you're well dressed, my child, no matter how simple your frock may be." You know yourself, that no woman can make a good ap- pearance if her gloves are soiled, her shoes shabby, her stockings' seams crooked, no matter how handsome her dress may be.
Accessories include purses, scarves, shoes, belts, gloves, hats and jewelry. The kinds of accessories you use help to determine whether your outfit is dressy, casual, tailored or sports.
To begin with handbags; One big bag, of course, but don't let it become a fixture. Black is your safest color, but get alligator if you can affort it, never simulated. Nowdays your handbag need NOT "go with" your shoes. You may very well own 4 or 5 bags of various sizes and colors which would include a white, a straw, a synthetic and a clutch for evening wear. A thought often expressed for us is to get you one big basic bag large enough to hold your camera. Get a purse organizer at a boutique or notion counter. It'll help you find things more quickly and prevent those long awkward pauses which might allow deliberate examination by those nearby. Carry in your handbag everything you need. Make a check list of ne- cessities: compact, lipstick, tissue, hankie, hairnet, keys, money, glasses, cigarettes and matches, if you smoke, photos especially those of children (even if they're the neighbor's kids), a poem, shopping list, a pen or pencil and I. D., (depending on your personal views of fact or fiction.) Before you go out make sure everything is there, and when you come back, dump every- think out, blow out the trash or dust and repack it fresh. Remember daintiness should be one of women's natural qualities.
Next, let's talk about scarves. Here you can really